Notice of live broadcast:
I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to the use by Poets&Quants, C-Change Media of my image, voice, or both described below, in (1) the video, photograph, or audio recording described in this application form; and (2) any video, photograph, or audio recording reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recording described in this application form: regardless of whether these materials are used for promotion, printed or electronic publication, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of either Poets&Quants or C-Change Media.
I warrant that I have the full right and authority to grant this consent.
In addition, I waive all claims to compensation or damages based on the use of my image or voice, or both, by either Poets&Quants or C-Change Media. I also waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photograph or video or audio recording.
I understand that this consent is perpetual, that I may not revoke it, and that it is binding on me, my heirs and assigns.
I warrant that I am at least 18 years of age and that I am competent in my own name insofar as this consent is concerned. I further attest that I have read this consent form and fully understand its contents.