Dr. Justin Marchegiani D.C.
Phone: (512) 535-1817
Dear Patient,
Welcome! And thank you for choosing Dr. Justin as one of your healthcare providers.
Please click the "Save" button below before you start in case you can not complete the form in one sitting. Please take no more than 30 minutes to complete this form; all other details can be addressed at the new patient consult.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Justin will review your health history and make recommendations for lab tests that are appropriate for your specific health issues.
Once you have completed your lab tests, Dr. Justin will explain the meaning of your test results to you in a follow-up consultation. He will create an individualized therapeutic program for you, including diet changes, nutritional supplements, and exercise, lifestyle, and stress management advice.
Subsequent consults are scheduled to monitor your progress. Dr. Justin will also design an ongoing wellness program to be reviewed and updated with our staff at no charge every six months. We invite you to contact us via email or phone should you have any questions during the course of your treatment.
We look forward to assisting you in achieving your current wellness goals, and to guiding you in maintaining wellness throughout your life.
You will automatically be enrolled in the clinic's weekly newsletter to provide you with free cutting-edge health information to support you on your health journey. If you wish not to receive the newsletter, feel free and unsubscribe.
Send Over Your Labs:
Please email your labs to office@justinhealth.com. Subject Line: Labs for "Patient's Full Name."
Please name the lab test files you are emailing over like this: (Date of the test, your name, type of test). Example (5-5-17 John Smith blood test or stool test).
This helps to sort through tests and review them faster at your consult.
In Health,
Dr. Justin and the Wellness Team!