EMF Lifting & Laughing PT Application Form
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Eir Code
What made you decide to fill out this form today?
Do you know much about EMF and our particular brand of Lifting & Laughing?
Have you ever had a PT in the past or have you any experience doing resistance training? If so please tell us what you liked and if there was anything you didn't like.
What are you hoping to get out of joining EMF? Please feel free to go into as much detail as possible.
"Gym for shape, diet for weight" is one of our mottos in EMF. If weight loss is a goal of yours we work with a fantastic nutritionist that we can refer you to. If you are already following a diet plan for your weight loss goal that is totally fine too. Would you like to be referred to our nutritionist?
Yes please
No thanks
Please note we do not sell sessions or blocks of time. All memberships are monthly payments that allow you to book up to a certain amount of sessions every 4 weeks, which include access to all coaches outside of coaching time, exclusive content through various online platforms and priority booking for social events. We pride ourselves on creating a community spirit in EMF and put a lot of time into making your experience the best it possibly can be.
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Our Personal Training is Semi Private (which is 4 clients to 1 coach) Level 1 PT includes all of the above and allows up to 4 PT bookings per month (€150pm). Level 2 PT includes all of the above and allows up to 8 PT bookings per month (€275pm). Level 3 PT includes all of the above and allows up to 12 PT bookings per month (€390pm). Please let us know which level you feel would work best for you?
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Please note that we have had an recent influx of applications and now operate a waitlist system for all services. We are making it through this list as quick as possible but we may not be able to start you right away. You will be added to our email lists to keep you up to date on all things Lifting and Laughing plus your progression through the wait list. All memberships require a 30 day notice period to cancel.
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If there was something in your life that would stop you from exercising what would that be? If you have exercised before and something in particular stopped you what was it?
Lastly but most importantly what is your favourite song to exercise to or be motivated by?
Submit to EMF
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