It has taken over four decades to take the river from one of the nation’s most polluted rivers to one of its most improved. Thanks to James Changers, like you, the James is on a comeback. The river is now home to some of the largest populations of bald eagles, oysters, and Atlantic sturgeon on the East Coast.
Together, we are agents of change for the James River, so the James River can improve and enhance our communities. Please take a moment and record your James Changing actions here.
Examples of James Changing actions:
- Plant a tree
- Pick up after your dog
- Complete a lesson through our Virtual Classroom
- Contact a representative to encourage clean water funding
- Make a difference with a donation
- Attend a JRA webinar or event
- Participate in a trash cleanup
- Monitor the river for pollution
- Install a rain barrel
- Remove invasive species
Change the James and the James will change you. Thank you for being a James Changer!