Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Date of Birth:
Maiden/Former Name:
First Name
Last Name
Have you applied for admission to the College of Southern Maryland?
Yes, I have applied for admission to the College of Southern Maryland
No, I have not applied for admission to the College of Southern Maryland
Are you degree-seeking at CSM or visiting? (Please Note: Visiting Students are not required to complete this form or provide an official transcript. For assistance with registering, please contact an academic advisor with an unofficial transcript.)
Degree-seeking (I am seeking a degree, certificate, or letter of recognition from the College of Southern Maryland)
Visiting (I am not seeking a degree, certificate, or letter of recognition from the College of Southern Maryland)
Which course(s) are you looking to take at the College of Southern Maryland?
Are you requesting to have Advanced Placement (AP) scores evaluated?
Yes, ONLY AP scores evaluated.
Yes, AP scores and transfer credits evaluated.
No, only transfer credits evaluated.
Please list the AP scores you wish to NOT have evaluated. If you would like to have all of your AP scores evaluated and placed on your record, leave this answer blank or say "NA". Please note that an official evaluation will only take place once the official Score Report is received from CollegeBoard directly to CSM.
What is your Intended Program of Study/Major?
Accounting, AAS
Art, AA
Arts and Sciences, AA
Arts and Sciences: History, AA
Arts and Sciences: Music, AA
Arts and Sciences: Spanish, AA
Arts and Sciences: Theater and Dance, AA
Business Administration: Business Analysis Concentration, AS
Business Administration: No Concentration, AS
Business Management: Construction Management Concentration, AAS
Business Management: Digital Marketing Management Concentration, AAS
Business Management: Hospitality Management Concentration, AAS
Business Management: No Concentration, AAS
Business Management: Retail Management Concentration, AAS
Business Management: Small Business & Entrepreneurship Concentration, AAS
Business Management: Technology Management Concentration, AAS
Cloud and Information Technology, AAS
Computer Engineering, ASE
Computer Science with Cloud Computing, AS
Computer Science, AS
Criminal Justice, AS
Cybersecurity, AAS
Data Science, AS
Digital Media Production, AA
Early Childhood Development, AAS
Early Childhood Education/Generic Special Education, Birth-Grade 3, AAT
Electric Power Technician, AAS
Electric Wiring Technician, AAS
Electrical Engineering, ASE
Elementary/Generic Special Education, Grades 1-6, AAT
Emergency Medical Services, AAS
Engineering Technology, AAS
Engineering, AS
Environmental Studies, AS
Exercise and Sport Science, AS
Fire Science Technology, AAS
General Studies: Communication, AA
General Studies: English, AA
General Studies: Media Studies, AA
Health Information Management, AAS
Homeland Security, AAS
Human Services, AAS
Law Enforcement, AAS
Maritime Operations Technology, AAS
Massage Therapy, AAS
Mathematics and Sciences: Biology Concentration, AS
Mathematics and Sciences: Chemistry Concentration, AS
Mathematics and Sciences: General Concentration, AS
Medical Laboratory Technology, AAS
Nuclear Medicine Technology, AAS
Nursing, AS
Photography, AAS
Physical Therapist Assistant, AAS
Pre-Professional Health Science: General Concentration, AS
Pre-Professional Health Science: Pharmacy Concentration, AS
Pre-Professional Health Science: Public Health Concentration, AS
Pre-Professional Health Science: Sonography Concentration, AS
Psychology, AA
Radiography, AAS
Respiratory Therapy, AAS
Sport Management, AS
Teacher Education: Secondary, AA
Accounting - Advanced Certificate
Accounting - Basic Certificate
Art History Letter of Recognition
Business Analysis Certificate
Business Analysis Letter of Recognition
Business Management Certificate
Business Management Letter of Recognition
Child Care Provider Letter of Recognition
Cloud and Information Technology Certificate
Commercial Vehicle Operator Certificate
Computing Essentials Letter of Recognition
Construction Management Certificate
Construction Management Letter of Recognition
Criminal Justice Certificate
Criminal Justice Letter of Recognition
Cybersecurity Certificate
Data Science, Certificate
Data Science, Letter of Recognition
Digital Marketing Management Certificate
Drafting Certificate
Drafting Letter of Recognition
Early Childhood Development Certificate
Education Certificate
Electronics Technology Certificate
Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic Certificate
Emergency Medical Technician Letter of Recognition
Engineering Technology Certificate
Financial Office Assistant Letter of Recognition
Fitness Manager, Advanced Certificate
Fitness Manager, Basic Certificate
General Studies: Transfer Certificate
Graphic Design Certificate
Health Sciences Certificate
Honors Curriculum Letter of Recognition
Hospitality Management Certificate
Hospitality Management Letter of Recognition
Human Services: Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate
Human Services: Mental Health Technician Certificate
Marketing Management Letter of Recognition
Medical Assisting Certificate
Medical Coding Specialist Certificate
Nursing Transition Pathway
Personal Trainer Letter of Recognition
Pharmacy Technician Certificate
Photography Certificate
Practical Nursing Certificate
Retail Management Certificate
Retail Management Letter of Recognition
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Certificate
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Letter of Recognition
Studio Arts Assistant Letter of Recognition
Technical Support Certificate
Technology Management Certificate
Technology Management Letter of Recognition
Undergraduate Research Letter of Recognition
Are you planning or considering to petition for the Nursing, AS Program?
Which Radiography partnership are you interested in?
Johns Hopkins Hospital Radiography
Prince George's Community College Radiography
I do not intend to transfer
Intended Program of Study/Major:
Please select a specific program offered at CSM (evaluations will not be completed unless specific program is entered and you are a degree-seeking student)
Is this request for a re-evaluation based on change of program/major?
Yes, my transcripts were previously evaluated for another program/major
No, my transcripts have not been evaluated by CSM
Have you previously earned credits at CSM?
Yes, I took my last class less than 2 years ago
Yes, I took my last class more than 2 years ago
Are you receiving veterans’ educational benefits?
Are you planning to transfer to another college or university after attending CSM?
Unsure at this time
Have you completed a Bachelor's degree?
The College of Southern Maryland will evaluate all courses on your transcript to determine the transferability of the course, including courses that do not apply to your program of study. If there are specific courses you do not want evaluated or if you would like to have only the courses that count towards your program evaluated, please indicate below:
Evaluate all of the courses on my transcript
Evaluate only the courses that count towards my program
There are specific courses I do not want you to evaluate on my transcript
Which courses do you want us to NOT evaluate
Did you complete coursework at a college or university OUTSIDE of the U.S. that you will be requesting to have evaluated?
Yes, I completed coursework at a college or university OUTSIDE of the U.S. and I want to have these courses evaluated for transfer
No, I do not have completed coursework from OUTSIDE of the U.S. that I wish to have evaluated for transfer.
Please list the names of the college institutions you will be submitting official transcripts from for evaluation of transfer credit (please be advised we do not evaluate High School transcripts):
If known, CSM course(s) do you believe your transfer course(s) are equivalent to?
Course syllabi may be required in order to evaluate courses if it is a course we have never seen before. If you possess syllabi for courses you have previously taken, please upload them here. Please note that if course syllabi are not provided here, the timeline to complete the evaluation may be extended. DO NOT UPLOAD TRANSCRIPTS HERE.
Browse Files
If you do not have the syllabi at this time, please email them to transeval@csmd.edu in the future when you acquire them.
Should be Empty: