I DECLARE that I have no known physical or psychological defects which would render me unable to pilot a glider.
I also agree to release and forever discharge the New England Soaring Association, Inc., its officers, directors, agents and employees, (hereinafter referred to as “Released Parties”) acting officially or otherwise, from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action resulting in my death or resulting in any injury to me or my property which may occur from any cause during flights or flight activity or continuance thereof, as well as during all ground and flight operations instant thereto. I also agree to indemnify and hold forever harmless the “Released Parties” against any actions, causes of action, which may hereafter at any time be instituted or recovered against the “Released Parties” by any guest or guest of mine who may take a flight or otherwise participate in flight operations and other activities of the “Released Parties”. I ACCEPT FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY for damage resulting to the New England Soaring Association, Inc. equipment to the extent of the deductible portion of the insurance coverage for any accident to a Club owned glider in which I am pilot-in-command or am otherwise legally responsible for such damage. I AGREE TO ABIDE by the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, the Constitution and operating Rules and Regulations of the New England Soaring Association, Inc., state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. I hereby certify that the statements contained in this membership application are true and accurate and that I have read and fully understand the above. I further certify that I am financially able to pay any foreseeable financial obligations and liabilities incurred through this membership, to include all dues, fees, flight charges and agree that my account will be settled when billed.
Agreeing to all the above I hereby apply for membership in the “New England Soaring Association, Inc.”