On behalf of the MOLES team, welcome to our Australian choroidal MOLES quiz.
Choroidal naevi, or ‘moles’, occur in roughly 2% of non-Indigenous Australians over the age of 50. It is crucial to accurately differentiate naevi from melanomas, their malignant counterpart. The MOLES scoring system for choroidal naevi was developed by Professor Bertil Damato at Oxford University to optimise referral pathways for these lesions. The MOLES scoring system stratifies these lesions into common, low and high risk naevi, and probable melanoma on the basis of colour photography, OCT and fundus autofluorescence. We want to assess how accurately clinicians can implement the MOLES scoring system using an online teaching tool and a quiz with 25 representative cases. The answer sheet is downloadable from a dropbox link at the end of this survey.
We hope you find this quiz interesting, user-friendly and informative. You can pause and close the page without losing your answers, as long as you save before you do so.
You do not need to answer all questions.
First read the MOLES information sheet (https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/eye-hospital/work/documents/melanocytic-choroidal-tumours.pdf), then tackle the questions. You can keep the guide open and switch between it and this form as you answer the questions.
Your survey responses will be anonymous and no identifiable data will be collected. The results from this survey will be collated, analysed, and discussed in a manuscript format and presented at clinical meetings.
We would welcome any questions, suggestions or feedback.
If you consent to participating in the survey, please click 'Next' to begin.
Thank you.
Dr Roderick O'Day FRANZCO email: roderickoday@protonmail.com
Honorary Researcher, Centre for Eye Research Australia
Consultant Ocular Oncologist, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
Prof Bertil E. Damato, MD, PhD, FRCOphth e-mail: Bertil.Damato@nhs.net
Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist, Oxford Eye Hospital
Locum Consultant Ocular Oncologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital
Professor Emeritus, University of California San Francisco
Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist, Royal Liverpool University Hospital