In preparing your proposal please review the information below:
ACPA Equity and Inclusion Statement
ACPA - College Student Educators International actively promotes and recognizes principles of fairness, equity, and social justice in relation to, and across, intersections of race, age, color, disability, faith, religion, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, social class, economic class, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, and all other identities represented among our diverse membership.
By appreciating the importance of inclusion, we acknowledge that the collective and individual talents, skills, and perspectives of members, constituent groups, and partners foster a culture of belonging, collaborative practice, innovation, and mutual respect. ACPA seeks to empower and engage professionals, scholars, and partners in action that productively contribute to accomplishing the goals of our association.
Inclusive Language
As a welcoming and inclusive organization we ask that you use equitable and inclusive practices in language at Convention and in preparation for program sessions. Visit the Inclusive Language webpage from ACPA20 for more information.
Universal Design Principles
The purpose of Universal Design Principles is to support the design of materials, discussions, and educational activities that are accessible to all participants. Examples of implementing Universal Design Principles include but are not limited to: using headphones with a microphone during a session to amplify your voice, designing presentations with contrasting colors and sans serif fonts, and providing opportunities for participants to engage content in multiple ways (e.g. presentation, discussion, activities).
Inclusive Presentations and Meetings
This resource was developed to help ACPA design program sessions, meetings, materials, and other experiences that are accessible to all participants. The document includes information on space layout, presentation design, facilitation, and handouts and other distributed materials. Visit the Inclusive Presentations and Meetings webpage from ACPA20 for more information.