Enclosed is an application for clubs to be a member of APVMA for the
academic year.
In order to attend the National Symposium, you must be registered with APVMA before the symposium registration date (no exceptions).
Once this application has been completed and dues have been paid your membership will be active the 2021 National Symposium
If you will be paying with a check, please email treasurerapvma@gmail.com (Kylie Brock) for assistance, for this will be a different process.
If you have any questions about membership or payment please do not hesitate to contact me!
Club/Association/Organization Title
Membership Category
Small Club (1-25)
Medium Club (26-50)
Large Club (51-75)
Extra Large Club (76+)
Name of Primary Club Contact and Title (for APVMA Executive Board Purposes)
Primary Contact's Email
Best email to receive APVMA Information/Updates (Club's, Advisor's, or Officer's)
The following 6 questions will be pertaining to officer contact information: Club President Email Address
Club Vice President Email Address
Club Secretary Email Address
Club Treasurer Email Address
Club Public Relations/Social Media/Webmaster Email Address
Any positions/emails that were not previously mentioned
The following 2 questions will be pertaining to faculty advisor information: Name
Email Address
If you are using a credit/debit card, what is the name on the card?
Keep this number!!! It is your unique ID which will be used for symposium registration:
Club Membership dues
( X )
Club Membership dues
Almost done!
Once you submit this application, you will receive an email (to the primary contact email provided earlier) with a four-number ID.
Keep this ID!
You will need it in order to register for the APVMA symposium.
After clicking "review and submit," it will redirect you to PayPal where you will pay membership dues.
Should be Empty: