Self-Directed Placement Survey for English
Only the first assessment will be considered, so please answer these questions honestly and to the best of your ability. This survey asks questions about your experience with writing, your high school grades, your academic mindset, your study skills, and other items. Your responses will be used to help determine which English course you should take at BRCC. Your assessment score will be recorded on your LoLA account as a test score.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Student ID number
What is your current or anticipated major?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Job experience: Tell us about your experience with writing as it pertains to your job.
No writing involved.
Some writing involved (I mostly answered emails or performed other small writing tasks, but didn't do too much writing.)
Writing was involved often (I have held positions that required me to create memos, respond to email, draft reports, complete patient care plans, or engage in other writing activities frequently.)
High school English course grades: Tell us about your grades in your high school English courses, especially English IV.
I earned D's and F's in high school English.
I earned B's and C's in high school English.
I earned A's and B's in high school English.
I earned A's in high school English.
Overall high school GPA: Tell us what your overall GPA was in high school.
I don't remember my high school GPA.
My overall high school GPA was less than a 2.75.
My overall high school GPA was a 2.75 or above.
Study skills: Tell us about how you study. Which of the two choices is closest to how you would describe your study skills?
I don't like studying and don't take good notes, or I study for tests only and usually wait until one to two days before the test to study. My study skills are mediocre at best.
I take notes and review my notes often. I make plans to study for quizzes and tests. I read the textbook and complete most of the homework. I complete all assignments and study until I feel confident with the material.
Interacting with faculty: Tell us which of the following best describes the way you interact with your teachers.
I don't feel comfortable asking for help or I ask for help but only when I really need it. I don't talk much in class.
I feel comfortable asking questions in class and talking to the teacher before or after class.
Academic mindset: Tell us whether this statement is true or false for you: I am accepting and embracing of challenges, seek and listen to feedback, and can keep going with difficult tasks.
Writing Knowledge: Tell us how confident you are with the following elements of writing: Brainstorm and select topics, construct a thesis, complete an outline in preparation for writing an essay, construct paragraphs of support for my thesis, review my essay for grammar and punctuation (placing commas, capitalizing, etc.)
Not confident at all. (I am only familiar with 1 or 2 of these steps.)
Somewhat confident. (I understand how to write a paper, but I need to work on fine-tuning my writing.)
Confident. (I understand how to write a paper and feel confident about my ability to follow these steps.)
Select "true" if you agree with this statement and agree to allow your response to be used as your electronic "signature" confirmation. Select "false" if you do not agree. I understand the recommended placement for my English course is based on my responses to the questions above, and I agree to be placed into an English course based on the scores from this holistic English placement.
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