Post- MicroNeedling Treatment Instructions
To achieve the best results from your microneedling treatment we ask that you read and understand the following instructions. Your Skin Care Specialist will review these instructions at the end of your treatment.
1. Your recovery time will be influenced by how aggressive a treatment you’ve received and your individual skin’s response. Your Skin Care Specialist will have discussed with you the individual time frame, but you should expect between 1-4 days.
2. Sun Exposure: Avoid direct sun for 3-5 days.
3. Sun Block is mandatory if outside and should be reapplied every 2 hours. Physical Sunblock is recommended!
4. Waxing/Laser treatments: Avoid for 2 weeks.
5. Facial Treatments: Avoid for 2 weeks.
6. Exercise or swimming: Avoid for 24 hours (Do not want to sweat).
7. No Exfoliating Products, Vitamin C, Retin-A, Astringents, Acids, or products containing alcohol/fragrance for 3 days unless instructed by your skin care specialist.
8. NO Make-up for 24 hours. It is recommended to use mineral makeup after that time.
9. Increase water intake to include at least 8 glasses.
10. Wash treated area with gentle cleanser 3 days post treatment. Do NOT use washcloths as that can irritate your skin.