Acceptance of your Application
Welcome to the Coalition Legal Help Desk, an independent program affiliate of the Coalition to Reduce Recidivism. After you complete this form, there may be a wait before you hear from the attorneys as we operate on a first come, first served basis. We will tell you if we are going to represent you and the next steps in the process if we do. Please be patient.
Terms and Conditions of Service
I understand and agree that the persons advising me may include staff attorneys, volunteer attorneys, and law students. I also understand and agree that the advice and drafting of legal instruments may be given by a paralegal, a Rule 711 supervised senior law student, or a law school graduate. In all cases, however, the handling of my criminal record will be supervised by a staff attorney.
Discretionary Remedy
I understand that, whether a case is eligible under Illinois law, the ultimate decision on whether to grant my petition is made by a judge assigned to the matter, who may deny any petition for discretionary reasons.
Use of Personal Information
I understand that Coalition Legal collects and maintains both demographic and criminal history information for two purposes: (1) for representation before the Court in hearings; and (2) for advocacy, policy and research purposes. Data is always reported upon in the aggregate and not specific to any individual. Files are maintained electronically at Coalition Legal. I understand that identifiable information about me or my criminal record will be kept strictly confidential and is only available to Coalition Legal staff and volunteers.
Read, Understood and Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Service
I have read the above information and I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the legal services provided by Coalition Legal.