Oak Leaf Meadows is a 56-unit property located at 636 Pedersen Rd, Oakdale, California. Families who live or work in Oakdale will be given prefence on the waiting list. Applicants will be asked to provide verification of any preference claimed.
Income Limits: Eligible households must have annual income below 50% of the area median income as defined by HUD. Income limits are published annually by HUD and can be found at https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il.html or at the Housing Authority's website www.stancoha.org
As of 4/1/20, the income limits for Stanislaus County are:
Households will be assigned bedroom size based on the family's composition. The occupancy standards are as follows:
Bedroom |
Household Minimum |
Household Maximum |
2 Bedroom |
2 |
5 |
3 Bedroom |
4 |
7 |