Application form.
The information you provide will be used to asses your suitability in owning one of our beautiful puppies. Thank you for considering Poodilicious Pooches. YOU WILL BE ASKED TO PROVIDE PHOTO ID ONCE ACCEPTED. no info is retained in line with gpd data protection.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Post code
is your property rented? If so do you have permission from your landlord to have a dog?
Do you work full time
Does anyone in the household have allergies?
Will your pup be left alone for long periods during the day? if so how long.
have you considered where your pet will go when you go on holiday or in case of an emergency? including the cost of a dog sitter/walker/boarder?
Do you have children living within your family home? How would they be instructed in the care of the dog?
Do you have the time to meet the demanding needs of the puppy/dog for feeding, training and exercise?
Do you already own a dog? if so how many & what breed?
Are you aware of the costs involved in veterinary care, buying quality dog food, etc?
All poodle mix breeds have high grooming needs, are you aware of the cost involved with the grooming and health maintenance? grooming should start as soon as your pup is allowed to venture outdoors.
A new pup is hard work, its exhausting, time consuming, and needs to be given 100% dedication. Are you fully committed to looking after a pup and able to give all of your time and love?
Preferred gender
No preference
Preferred breed
Mini poodle
Toy poodle
Please tell us why you have chosen this breed?
Please tell us a bit about yourself?
Should be Empty: