The Affiliate Program for the Myofascial Stretching Book will allow you to place a link on your website directly to the book, 4" inflatable balls and an assortment of other treatment tools on You can easily direct your client to your own website to purchase the book and tools for self-treatment without having the expense and hassles of maintaining items in stock.
When one of your links is used to access Amazon, you can earn a commission on all merchandise purchased during that one shopping trip. You can even shop yourself this way. This group program will help smaller practices to participate in Amazon Associates as together we will be assured of meeting the minimum purchase requirements to stay in the program. Amazon will keep track of sales via your unique code that we will provide to you for the products. We will disburse commissions on a regular basis.
You can include any or all of the product links we send to you. If you have favorite tools that you would like to include, please email the link to the listing from Amazon and we can offer that tool to all of our affiliates as well.