Meaning of Food in Life Questionnaire
If you are taking this survey as a part of a conference, workshops, or training, please include the name of that event here.
Describe the community where you were raised.
To which gender identity do you most identify?
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Gender Variant / Nonconforming
Decline to State
Where did you grow up?
East Coast, USA
Southeast, USA
Midwest, USA
West Coast, USA
Southwest, USA
Outside the US
Year of Birth
Read each statement and rate it on a scale of 1 to 7.
I strongly disagree
I mostly disagree
I disagree somewhat
I don’t agree or disagree
I agree somewhat
I mostly agree
I strongly agree
I care about the impact of my food choice on the world.
My food choices are an important way that I can affect the world.
When I eat food, I think about where it came from.
I eat in a way that expresses care for the world.
My food choices reflect my connection to nature.
Food is closely tied to my relationships with others.
When I eat, I feel connected to the people I am eating with.
Food is a way for me to connect with my cultural traditions.
Sharing food with others makes me feel closer to them.
Making food for others is a main way I show care for them.
What I eat is a reflection of my spiritual beliefs.
From a spiritual perspective, some foods are better than others.
My food choices are a way for me to connect with the sacred.
Some foods are spiritually polluting.
Preparing a good meal is like making a work of art.
A good meal is like a work of art.
I can appreciate the beauty of a dish even if I do not like it.
Eating a good meal is an aesthetic experience like going to a good concert or reading a good novel.
Eating foods that I know are good for my body brings me comfort.
I feel that nourishing my body is a meaningful activity.
I eat in a way that expresses care for my body.
I get satisfaction from knowing that the food I eat is good for my health.
Moral Domain Average
Social Domain Average
Sacred Domain Average
Aesthetic Domain Average
Health Domain Average
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