Student Admission Information
1 The school welcomes British and Algerian children and children from other countries. Admission priority is given to children of British diplomats. Admission priority is also given to siblings.
2 The school is for children aged 4 years to 18 years.
3 The school follows the UK curriculum. The language of teaching is English except for Arabic, French and Spanish lessons.
4 Students whose first language is not English are required to take an English language assessment to ensure that they are ready to enter their Year group.
6 The main international exams are international GCSEs (IGCSEs) at the age of 16 years and "A Levels" at 18 years. The school is accredited for these exams by the University of Cambridge.
7 A place is reserved at the school on payment of the next term’s fees. Places are confirmed on a "first come" basis. Once a place has been confirmed by the payment of the next term’s fees, the place is guaranteed.
8 British and other foreign nationals must pay in GB pounds. Only Algerian nationals may pay in Algerian dinars.
9 There are no initial or annual registration fees, equipment deposits or capital contribution fees. Fees include tuition, lunch, electronic books, stationery (pencils, pens, paper, copy books, files, rulers etc) and exclude home-school travel, school uniform and external examination fees. A contribution to the cost of school trips may be requested.
10 When a family leaves, for example moving from Algiers to another area, notice of at least half-a-term must be given to the school. Refunds are only given on a half-termly basis.
Before submitting this form, please read the information above and view the fees table below.
Student Fees: 2024-25