UniSound Opportunity Round Up
This is the place to submit any information you want UniSound to promote. This can include concert performances, summer camps, open registration, auditions, etc. We will publish these Round Ups quarterly so the deadline to submit for this quarter (for the printed flyer) is Friday, April 11, 2025. Please email debbie@unisound.us with any questions.
Name of your Organization
What would you like us to promote?
Concert, summer camp, registration, etc.
Name of your event?
Is there a registration deadline? If yes- please put date below
Event Details: Please include dates, location, prices, and a short summary of what your promoting.
Do you offer any sort of financial assistance for your program(s)? Y/N
Please include any website or ticket links to the promoted content here:
If possible, please include a promotional graphic or picture for your promoted content.
Browse Files
Is there anything else you would like to include in your promotion?
Should be Empty: