Anesthesia & Risks
By completing and signing this document, I understand that during the performance of the foregoing procedure or surgery, unforeseen conditions may be revealed that necessitate an extension of the procedure or surgery, or of different procedures than those set forth above. Therefore, I hereby consent to, and authorize, the performance procedures or surgeries as deemed necessary by the veterinarian. I have been advised as to the nature of the procedure(s) or surgery and the risks involved. I understand that results cannot be guaranteed. I understand that Lafayette Veterinary Care Center takes every precaution to reduce the risks involved with sedation, anesthesia and surgery for all pets. This includes repeating a physical examination, pre-anesthetic blood testing to evaluate your pet’s internal organ function and immune system, weighing a precisely calculating medications, placing an intravenous catheter and initiating fluid therapy, and monitoring them under anesthesia each manually (a person) and with anesthetic equipment. Although these precautions are known to significantly reduce the risks of anesthesia, some risks do still exist. Should any significant findings be found during your pet’s pre-anesthetic exam or blood-testing, we will call you immediately. Please remain available by phone and list a primary and secondary method of contact below.