Dermaplaning is a physical form of exfoliation that involves using a sterile surgical blade to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz), leaving a very smooth surface.
I may receive added improvements such as reduction in the appearance of fine lines & temporary fading of pigmentation. I acknowledge that Dermaplaning is not an exact science and there are no specific guarantees that can or have been made concerning the expected result.
I understand that the degree of improvement is variable and occasionally will
see no visible improvement and another form of treatment may be required.
I have been advised of any alternative treatments which may address my primary concerns.
I understand that with any treatment certain risks are involved and that any complications or side effects from known or unknown causes may occur.
I understand multiple treatments are recommended to see optimal results. The cost of treatment has been disclosed to me and I understand that payment is due at the time services are rendered.
I am 18 years of age or have parental consent form signed and attached.
By Signing below, I certify that I have read and fully understood the contents of this consent form. I hereby consent to the Dermaplaning procedure. I release Beauty Marx Aesthetic MedSpa, the esthetician, management and staff of Beauty Marx Aesthetic MedSpa from any and all liability associated with any injuries and/or current or future conditions resulting from the skincare procedures and products.