Our new volunteer management software system is called VOLGISITICS (volunteer logistics). It has two components that you will use as a volunteer. When you arrive to volunteer at Mothers you will now use a touch pad to sign in – this part of the system is called VicTouch. There is also an on-line portal accessed from our website called VicNet where you can sign up in advance for volunteer shifts.
Volunteer sign-In at the store (VicTouch)
There is a tablet kiosk at the volunteer entrance for you to use to sign in when you arrive to volunteer. Your user ID is your phone number without the area code. Using the tabs above you can access written instructions about how to sign in to the VicTouch system or you may watch the instructional video.
Volunteer Information Center (VicNet) – On-line access to your volunteer information
This site can be reached from your computer, tablet, or phone. The link to this volunteer portal will on our website mhmsarasota.com under the volunteer tab.
Your login information for this system is your email address and the password you set up during the application process. If you have forgotten them we can send you a link to reset your password.
We will communicate with the volunteers using this system – we can post news and information about events. You may use this system to:
- View and manage your schedule
Sign-up for vacant schedule openings
Print your schedule
Keep your personal information up-to-date
Post your hours if you work from home or forgot to sign in & out
Receive news and messages from the volunteer office
Check your service records, and print your own service reports
Change your VicNet password
Opt-in or out of text messaging and update your message preferences
Instructions for using this system can be accessed by clicking on the tabs above. There is a written version as well as a video tutorial.
Mobile Use
If you want to use this system on your mobile device (tablet or phone) you can create a website shortcut on your phone (it will look like an APP). Open the web browser on your smart phone or tablet and then going to the URL address for Mothers Helping Mothers portal each time you want to login, you may want to put a link directly to the webpage on your device's home screen. That way you can just tap the icon to go directly to the VicNet login portal. See the attached documents for directions on how to do this for Apple or Android devices.
For information on how to create a short-cut link to the VicNet system on your mobile device (it will act like an APP) click on the tab above. There are separate instructions for Apple (ios) users and Android users.