Cost Tiers Below Explained:
Tier I - True Cost. True costs covers: the educator classroom time, their class prep time, administrative work, and the YTN permanent staff all of which are essential in bringing you the high-quality program you expect. By choosing Tier I, you help our donation dollars stretch, keeping our doors open and allowing us to provide valuable theatre programming for more children and offer our Scholarship Rate to those in need.
Tier II - Direct Cost. Direct cost covers the educator rates for the duration of class time only.
Tier III – Reduced Cost. This price does not reflect the true cost of producing this class, but we know that the financial impact of sheltering in place has impacted some of our families more than others. A creative outlet is essential for our youth to cope with their drastically changed world and YTN will be there for them. If this reduced rate is still too high, please contact Stephanie at YTN will not turn any families away due to financial hardship.