Limited Warranty Registration for Creating the Difference Bowling Ball Bag
Applicability:This warranty applies when the bag has been reasonably maintained and has not been subjected to damage by misuse, neglect, or abuse. This warranty does not cover damage incurred from transportation by commercial travel (air, train, bus, etc.) Damage caused by placing a ball in the backpack, and attaching it to the bag will void the warranty. Damage caused by rolling the bag down stairs or dropping the bag will not be covered under warranty. Bent and/or broken handles will constitute neglect and will not be covered. To fix a bent handle, the customer will send back the bag at their expense and Creating the Difference will send the bag back at the company's expense. We will repair (if possible) under the terms of this warranty, any tote bag product offered by Creating the Difference which proves defective in materials and/or workmanship. In the event the product cannot be repaired, Creating the Difference will issue a store credit that can be used on everything except bowling balls in the amount of $135.Registration:This warranty must be validated by completely filling out the Limited Warranty Registration Form (below). The bag warranty is non-transferable and shall cover only United States sold products. This warranty extends only to the original purchaser.Return Authorization Number: A Return Authorization number assigned by Creating The Difference must accompany all returned products. Bags that are returned without a return authorization number will not be repaired or replaced. There will be a 15% restocking fee on all bag returns.Procedure: Requests for repair, Return Authorization number, or additional warranty information should be sent via email to or via phone at 205.210.8318. Any defective product returned for repair must be shipped prepaid to:Creating the Difference Attn: Product Warranty Dept 1420 Corporate Parkway BlvdClarksville, TN 37040Creating The Difference shall cover cost to ship the repaired or replacement product to the Purchaser.Limitations, Exclusions:There are no warranties other than those contained herein. This limited warranty is in lieu of all warranties expressed or implied, and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Creating The Difference assumes no other obligation or liability in connection with the sale or manufacture of its products.Damages, Remedies:Repair or store credit shall be the exclusive remedy available to the purchaser. Under no circumstances shall Creating The Difference be liable by virtue of the warranty or otherwise for any special, indirect, secondary, incidental or consequential damage of any nature to any person or property arising directly or indirectly out of the use or inability to use a warranted product.
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Product Purchased
3 Ball Roller Tote With Handle
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