Being a volunteer in Children’s Ministry at Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church is a really big deal. Our little ones look up to you as leaders and examples of what it means to be whole-hearted followers of Jesus. Therefore, we want each of our volunteers to take his or her own personal relationship with Jesus and his or her role in our ministry very seriously. For this reason, we are asking that each student volunteer carefully reads and signs the following commitment:
As a volunteer in Children’s Ministry at Ebenezer, I agree…
- To grow in my own relationship with Jesus.
- To keep coming to weekend services at Ebenezer, not allowing my volunteer position to serve as an excuse to miss.
- To be a good example to the children by listening and following directions, being attentive to teaching and worship and encouraging the children to do the same.
- To faithfully show up – prepared and on time- on days when I’m scheduled to serve ready to give my very best (and when I can’t, to contact a Children’s Ministry staff member and to do everything I
can to find a sub).
- To carry out my “job description” to the very best of my ability; with a servant’s attitude; showing love and respect to the kids, other volunteers, and my leaders; and abiding by Ebenezer’s policies and
- To be willing to listen to loving correction if something I’m doing either in the classroom or outside of the church is brought to my attention as an area of concern, and be willing to do my best to change those
behaviors to better honor God and set a goodexample.
- I understand that Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church adheres to certain principles of belief that are founded on our understanding of the Bible. I have read the attached document and am willing to submit to
Ebenezer in what they believe and will act in a way so as to not conflict with what Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church Believes.
- I also affirm that I have not been convicted of a crime, and am not the subject of a pending investigation.
- When I am 18, I will notify the Children’s Ministry Director in order to fill out any background check forms.
- I recognize that as a volunteer at Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church I am under the authority of EBFC. Should an issue arise that is a concern, the Children’s Ministry Director, Leadership of the ministry, or the Pastors have the authority to deal with the issue which could include asking the
volunteer to no longer serve in their ministry position.