Join Our Team of Happy Installers
Do you have previous experience installing Christmas lights?
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
What position are you applying for?
Crew Leader
Crew Member
What is your closest city?
Austin, TX
San Antonio, TX
Houston, TX
Dallas, TX
Waco, TX
Killeen, TX
How far are you willing to travel (in miles)?
What is your zipcode?
What type of availability do you have?
Do you speak English?
I speak English
I do NOT speak English
Do you have a crew or someone who you would like to work with?
By myself
I have a partner
I have multiple partners
Do you have a vehicle & a valid drivers license?
I have a truck that I'm willing to use for work* (You will receive a vehicle allowance)
I have a reliable vehicle & a valid drivers license that will help me get to work on time.
I do NOT have a reliable vehicle & a valid drivers license.
Have you been convicted of a crime?
I have been convicted of a crime before.
I have NOT been convicted of a crime before.
Check any or ALL that apply to you:
I have installed custom fitted Christmas lights before with a different company.
I've never installed Christmas lights before but want to learn.
I'm not afraid to climb on a roof.
How would you describe your proficiency with mobile and internet technology?
I have an iphone and know how to use it well
I have an iphone and barely know how to use it
I have an android and know how to use it well
I have an android but barely know how to use it.
I don't have a smartphone
What is 2-1+(2x2)=
In detail please provide as much as you can about your Christmas lights installation experience:
Should be Empty: