B. Transportation Release-Field Trips
I also understand that private drivers, which may include my child (pending my signed permission below), a teacher, an administrator, or the parent of another student participating in the activity, may be used to transport students to and from the activity. The owner of the vehicle must carry bodily injury insurance. The District’s insurance does not cover damages arising from, or related to, the operation of any private vehicle, failure to follow the directed driving route, or any personal negligence related to this activity. Any damages/harm resulting from a parent/guardian/or other designated driver, arising from the operation of a motor vehicle in relation to the above listed activity, is hereby waived.
I also understand that I am required to provide the necessary legal car seat/booster seat in order for my child to participte in field trips. If I do not provide the necessary car seat/booster seat, my child will not be allowed to attend the field trip.
By checking the box and signing below, I give permission for my child to ride in a vehicle driven by a teacher, an administrator, sponsor, or parent of another student to the activity.
I also understand that I have the ability to refuse to sign this Form by checking the appropriate box, below.
In addition, that if I refuse to sign, my child will not be permitted to participate in the activity.