I acknowledge by signing this consent form that I have read and agree to the following:
· I have read the information sheet provided and fully understand its contents.
· I understand that exposure of my eyes to light could harm my vision, I must wear my eye protection goggles on at all times.
· I understand that the success of tattoo removal varies greatly depending on the age of the tattoo and the concentration of pigment colours.
· I understand that there is no guarantee that the laser will remove all the pigment. eg Yellows pigments and white pigments are not targeted.
· I understand that a shadow of the tattoo may be present after the treatments
· I am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs prescription or other and if so have discussed this with the Laser Operator
· I do not have any medical or skin conditions such as but not limited to: acne, scarring (Keloid), eczema, psoriasis, moles or sunburn in the area to be treated. If I have any type of infection or rash anywhere on my body, I will advise my Laser Operator.
· I willingly submit to these procedures with a full understanding of possible risks and side effects.
· I understand that my skin was originally scarred by the tattoo application needle. This injury may remain even if all the pigment is removed.
· I understand that my skin will be extremely sensitive to sunlight following the procedure, exposure should be avoided for 4 weeks following treatment and should refrain from tanning. Maximum SPF should be worn at all times.
· I understand that any employee or agent of Art On Skin when performing a laser tattoo removal does not act in the capacity of a medical professional. The suggestions made are just suggestions and they are not to be construed or substituted for advice from a medical professional.
· I release all rights to any photographs taken of me and the tattoo and give consent in advance to the reproduction in print or electronic form. I acknowledge that I had the opportunity to ask questions regarding this procedure and all questions were answered to my satisfaction
· I have read and understand this agreement and all my questions have been addressed and answered to my satisfaction. I consent to the terms of this agreement.