Terms and Conditions
I confirm that the details given above are accurate for the named dog since he/she has been in my care. I/We agree to pay the agreed fee and any additional charges that may apply. Drop off and pick-up times are confirmed beforehand if you are delayed please contact us as soon as possible.
I/we understand that in the event that my dog is injured/becomes ill our emergency contact/ appointed person will be contacted immediately on the telephone numbers given. In the event that Devon Dog Boarding School is unable to reach me or my emergency contact I agree that my dog may be taken to a veterinary surgeon and if immediate treatment is recommended it will be given. I/we agree to reimburse Devon Dog Boarding School for any veterinary costs including medication incurred. In the event of my/our dog being incapacitated I have left details of the person/people I have named as the emergency contact and/or appointed person responsible for my/our dog/s.
My dog is non-aggressive. Should it show aggressive tendencies towards people or dogs, I accept that he/she will be placed in a dog boarding kennel until my return and that this will be subject to a £50.00 transfer fee. I agree to pay the cost of any damage caused by my dog to the host’s home or vehicle.
As a Data Protection Registered Company this form will be stored electronically and may be shared with third parties for the purpose of billing and adminsitration. Details will never be sold.
You will be invoiced from Devon Dog Boarding/The Dog Academy for you dogs stay, I agree to pay the invoice 7 days after reciept of the invoice. Late payment may incur surcharges. If I am unhappy for any reason I will contact DDBS immediately.