Transport Volunteer Information:
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Do you use Facebook? If so, please tell us your Facebook name:
We primarily use FB when planning transports but it's not required that you use it.
Which is the best/preferred method of contact?
Telephone (call)
Telephone (text)
Facebook Messenger
TAG on Facebook thread/post
Other, please provide details
Total amount of time, per trip, you can commit to transport:
Please be specific ie: I can offer long trips with an overnight pitstop or I can travel any direction up to 3 hours one way from my home base
Areas you are able to help transport in/through:
Please be specific ie: DFW, TX into far Northern Oklahoma
Any specific trips that you make regularly:
Please be specific ie: Every Thursday I go from Dallas, TX to Wichita Falls, TX
Ability to do temporary holds:
Please be specific ie: I can hold one adult dog for up to two nights if s/he doesn't need to be crated
Emergency Availability:
Please be specific ie: Wednesdays I can offer emergency pick up and transport with at least 2 hours notice
License and Insurance:
We require a valid driver's license and current insurance - please type your written agreement that you can provide copies of these items prior to accepting a dog for transport
Do you have ideas to help build our network of volunteers?
Please give two emergency contacts. Persons listed will only be contacted in case of an emergency:
Full Name
City, State
Contact Number
Should be Empty: