Amy-Leigh Academy of Dance (A.L.A.D.) runs regular Events and occasional Special Events, where the use of technology to record & store Photo, Video & Sound Recording is used for educational, coaching and/or promotional purposes.
During Events/Special Events A.L.A.D. makes every effort to ensure that only authorised persons’ or selected authorised professionals record material, as it must be collected and dealt with appropriately, and there are safeguards to ensure this under the Data Protection Act 1998, and the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
Under these regulations, Parental/Legal Guardian permission and consent is required for the following:
‘Child’ a person under the age of 18;
‘Vulnerable adult' a person aged 18 or over and by reason of disability, age or illness; is unable to protect himself or herself against significant harm or exploitation.
With the advent of Instant Access to the Internet via Mobile Phones, Tablets, etc. it is difficult to ensure that members of the Audience comply with the “No-Recording instructions” and A.L.A.D. accept no liability in any respect of any un-authorised recording, storage and/or transmission of material for which you’ve not given explicit consent.
I am aware that by not giving consent video's/photos of my child(ren) will be adapted to remove/mask their face and body throughout using vital software. (class recordings, special events, news papers, social media)
To Amy-Leigh Academy of Dance (A.L.A.D.) and those authorised by A.L.A.D. to record my ‘Child’ or ‘Children’ at all and/or specified Event(s)/Special Event(s) by photograph and/or video/film and/or sound recording (‘Recordings’) and I agree that for educational/promotional purposes A.L.A.D. may use the Recordings (transcribed or otherwise) throughout the world for the full period of copyright, including all renewals, reversions, extensions and revivals of such period, in the following ways:
a. Store, publish or transmit the Recordings in internal or external archives and databases;
b. Exhibit, publish or transmit the Recordings in print, on DVD or other digital media and on the Internet at the A.L.A.D. website and A.L.A.D. affiliated Social Media Accounts; and
c. Distribute the Recordings to the press, media organisations’ and other interested parties for publication, transmission or broadcast.