Simple Partnership Benefits
Benefits provided by Empowered U Youth Connections
- First opportunity access to EMPU-YC 10-Week Program
- Unlimited access to educatonal resources
- Youth will receive program/course completion certificates
- Organization listed as partner/resource in EMPU-YC "Resource Hub" (optional for organization)
Benefits provided by your organization:
- Opportunity to provide your youth with resources and tools to navigate life succesfully
Advance Partnership Benefits
Benefits provided by Empowered U Youth Connections
- First opportunity access to EMPU-YC 10-Week Program
- One on one educational support for youth
- Unlimited access to educatonal resources
- Private (your organization only) course for youth
- Youth will receive program/course completion certificates
- Organization listed as partner/resource in EMPU-YC "Resource Hub" (optional for organization)
Benefits provided by your organization:
- Opportunity to provide your youth with resources and tools to navigate life succesfully