Terms and Conditions
Amateur British Powerlifting Union
1. I understand this is a tested federation and I hereby agree to membership within the rules and parameters of the testing policies.
2. I understand and have read the prohibited substances list and proceedures and understand that I must declare any substances to the testing officer which may affect my results.
3. I understand that the ABPU tests for performance enhacing substances under the ruling of the AWPC and conforms to all polieis of the AWPC.
4. I take full repsonsibility for all substances I use or consume at all times and that the AWPC and ABPU are not held responsible for any and all results produced by the testing agency used.
5. I understand that refusal of testing will result in an instant ban from the federation and agree to any and all out of competition testing required at any time. I also understand that testing is carried out on a targeted basis.
6. I agree and understand that all persons of the ABPU and BPU, AWPC and WPC are not repsonsible nor can be held accountable for any injury, physical or physcological and that I take part in competing entirely at my own risk. No volunteers, staff, other members can be held accountable for any injury physical or psychological at any competiton held by or on behalf of the ABPU or BPU, AWPC or WPC.
7. I agree and understand that my membership will be revoked without refund for any behaviour deemed as defamatory, threatening, dangerous or criminal without discussion to any other lifter or contest volunteer or official.
8. I agree to abide by the competiton rules of the WPC, AWPC, ABPU and BPU.
9. I agree at international competiton when repesenting Great Britain I will not partake in any activity which will bring the federation into disrepute.
10. I will abide by the social media ruling that no defamatory comments will be made about other federations or other competitiors. The federation has the right at any time to revoke the membership of any lifter who verbally defames others up to and including libelous comments, threats and other behaviour considered aggressive, threatening or enciting.
11. I agree that I will produce my current membership PDF at all competitons and that I will not be permitted to lift without it.
12. I understand that collection of trophies or medals is my responsibility and not that of the federation after the event.
13. I atest that all information on this applicaiton form is true.
14. I understand that all qualifier competitions are on a first come first served basis and it is my responsibility to follow the instructions on the web site and to enter in a timely manner in order to secure a place. Membership does not guarentee a place at qualifiers although the federation makes every effort to accommodate members. This does NOT apply to British, European and World Championships which all have closing dates and your place is guarenteed should you qualify.
15. I agree to membership in the spirit of competiton and sportsmanship and to help and support my fellow competitors befitting with the ethos of the federation.
16) I am happy for my email to be used to have regular newsletters and important communication from the federation in line with GDPR. Your email address is held by the federation only for federation use in communication directly with you and is not accessable by any other person than that of the President and Memberships registrar. I will have the option to unsubscribe from newsletters should I wish to do so.