Waiver and Release
I, the named rider or participant above and the undersigned (if under 18 years old, the parent or guardian) request permission to enter into various equine activities with Tessa Nicolet and/or Cohesive Horsemanship.
I know that the temperament and character of equines are unpredictable. I know that there are risks not limited to, but including, the animals biting, kicking, running away, shying with potential to cause harm to the animal in question, myself, my child, other animals, and damage to facilities. I have inspected the premises and I know the risks and dangers involved in such activities, and that
unanticipated and unexpected dangers may arise during such activities, and I assume all risk to my, or my child’s person and/ or property that may be sustained in connection with equine activities.
In consideration of the permission granted to me to enter into equine activities, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, administrators, and assigns; release, remiss, and discharge Tessa Nicolet and/or Cohesive Horsemanship, and the owners, operators, and sponsors of the premises and officials, and all other participants in equine activities of any sort, for injury sustained to my person and/or property
and/or equine, or that of my child during my presence or theirs on the premises and my presence and/or participation in equine activities due to negligence or any other fault.
I represent and certify that my true age is over 18, and if I am under 18 years, I represent and certify that I have the permission of my parents and/or guardians to participate in equine activities, and that they have full knowledge thereof.
I certify that my attendance and participation in equine activities is voluntary.
I understand that under Arizona Law, pursuant to A.R.S. S12-553 an equine activity sponsor or professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.
I have read and understand the foregoing request and release and hereby hold Tessa Nicolet and/or Cohesive Horsemanship harmless of any injury, paralysis, or death in connection with equine activities.
I further understand that it is Tessa Nicolet’s and Cohesive Horsemanship’s policy for all riders under 18 to wear a protective riding helmet at all times while riding. Riders over the age of 18 understand the risks of riding without a helmet and that wearing a protective riding helmet can prevent injuries. I understand that I can choose to refuse the protection of a helmet and do so
at my own risk.