A series by This is Hbg to capture life in the city - memories, struggles, experiences, challenges and stories. Stories of everyone - Internationals and locals. Read all the stories on www.thisishbg.se/lifeinhbg
What is your name?
Which country are you from?
Helsingborg to me is
fill here.
Please share a memory, an experience or a story for at least one of the statements. More than one is also welcome.
1) Is there something you struggle with in Helsingborg? What do you think will help you overcome it?
2) A situation, person or encounter that helped you adjust to your new life in Helsingborg?
3) A moment/memory from your life in Helsingborg that you want to share with others. For example - For me, everything changed when I biked here for the first time. Having lived in a very crowded city like Delhi with traffic all around me, biking gave me a sense of freedom which I had not felt for a long time.
4) What do you like most about living in Helsingborg?
Please share a high resolution photo of yourself - preferably taken in Helsingborg. Even better if it's outdoors. Here's one of me :)
Please add your photo here!
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I give consent to using the my name and photo for social media posts and on the website by This is Hbg
If it is okay to tag you on Instagram please share your ID/Handle.
Would you like to share anything else? The stage is yours!
Thank you for your time! Here's a video version of Life in Helsingborg :)
Should be Empty: