Consent to Psychological Evaluation and Testing
I agree to allow Behavioral Science Consulting to perform psychological testing/evaluation and report writing.
I understand that these services may include direct, face-to-face telehealth contact, interviewing, or testing. They may also include the psychologist's time required for the reading of records, consultations with other psychologists and professionals, scoring of tests, interpreting the results, and any other activities to support these services. If I have questions or concerns about the assessment, the evaluator agrees to be available to discuss these after completeion of the testing and interview.
I also understand the psychologist agrees to the following:
1.) The procedures for selection, giving, and scoring the tests, interpreting the results, and maintaining my privacy will be carried out in accord, with the rules and guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) and other professional organizations and with the applicable state and federal laws.
2.) Tests will be chosen that are suitable for the purposes described above. These tests will be given and scored according to the instructions in the tests' manuals, so the valid scores will be obtained. These scores will be interpreted according to the scientific guidelines from the scientific and professional literature.
3.) Tests and test results will be kept in a secure place to maintain their confidentiality.
I agree to help as much as I can, by supplying full answers, making an honest effort, and make sure that the findings are accurate.