Wait List Policy
Due to the continued success of the CDC program and continued growth in the Austin area, the CDC wait list is most frequently the method of admission for new families. The CDC uses the wait list to fill spaces left open after registration and spaces that become available during the course of the school year. The policies governing the wait list are in agreement with CDC policies so that distribution of
spaces can be filled consistently and fairly.
Wait list position is determined by the date the child is added to the list. A child will be placed on the list when the Wait List Form is completed and returned to the CDC office with all necessary fees.
A family must tour the CDC BEFORE placing their child on the wait list. We will allow out-of-town families to join the wait list provided they tour the facility once they arrive in Austin. Tours are Monday through Thursday, 10:00am to 1:00pm. Please call the CDC Office to schedule a tour; 512.346.1323.
When an opening becomes available, the CDC will contact parents by the phone number and/or email given on their wait list form. If they DECLINE the opening, the CDC will verify the parents’ desire to be removed from the list and go to the next person on the list. Parents who request to be removed from the waiting list can have a child put back on the list only by filling out a new application.
Parents have two business days to accept an enrollment opening. If the family cannot be reached by the telephone number on the application or they do not contact the CDC with their decision, the CDC will consider that a refusal and move on to the next person on the wait list.
If a space is offered to a family on the wait list, but the family is not ready to send a child because of age or personal reasons; that family may elect to stay on the wait list for the remainder of the school year to be considered for future openings.
Each year before registration, all families are contacted at the address given on the wait list form and sent a registration form for the next school year. Information is provided as to the date and time of the upcoming registration so that they can attempt to enroll their child. This is in no way a guarantee of a
spot for the next year.