By providing my electronic signature below, I expressly authorize the third-party vendor identified above to access Subscriber’s data, and access the ClubReady System, through the ClubReady APIs.
I further acknowledge and agree to the statements below:
I have the proper legal authority to act on behalf of the Subscriber identified above.
I, on behalf of the Subscriber, consent to doing business electronically and agree that my electronic signature will be deemed the same as if I had hand-signed the form.
The authorization described herein may be revoked at any time by providing written notice to ClubReady at Please note it may take up to three (3) business days for us to disable third party access to the ClubReady APIs.
Subscriber shall be responsible for the third party vendor’s acts and omissions when accessing the ClubReady System and/or utilizing data accessed through the ClubReady APIs.
Use of and access to the ClubReady APIs will be governed by the ClubReady API Terms of Use, available here and incorporated by reference into this API Authorization Form.