We are thrilled you are here and ready to apply to become a Certified Sleep Consultant on the WeeSleep Dream Team.
The WeeSleep team is made up of an incredible tribe of sleep passionate professionals. Some of whom make upwards of $75,000+ per year working part-time!
We pride ourselves on being extremely selective when it comes to adding Consultants to the WeeSleep Dream Team, because we know the model works best when we have dedicated, hardworking, and brand loyal moms out in the field.
The next stage in your application process is a formal 1:1 personal interview with our sleep success coach. This is your opportunity to shine, to show us why you’d be a great fit for our team, and to ask any more questions that you have.
Please fill out the form below so that we may evaluate if there is a good fit for our program. If we believe you’re right for our team, we’ll follow up with an email to schedule a live, 1:1 Zoom interview.
Those that make it through the entire interview process will be invited to take part in our intensive 4-week online consultant training program, which will provide you with all the tools and training needed to get your home business up and running.
Please note the cost for training is $6500*.
*Flexible payment terms available*
Should you be selected to join the WeeSleep team of Professional Paediatric Sleep Consultants, this is the financial investment should you choose to accept the opportunity.
*should you be accepted into our program and accept our offer to enroll, interest-free payment plan options are available - please ask for more information during your interview
And if for some reason you missed our DOWNLOAD and course info, make sure you take a read! It will help you really understand how incredible this opportunity is and will likely answer many of your questions!