The Bright Eyes program entitles qualified applicants to a free pair of prescription eyeglasses per child, per school year.
Applicant Eligibility:
1. All child dependents (up to 23 years old) of Active Duty Service Members and Department of Defense employees.
2. Sponsor must be assigned to and live within the Grafenwoehr and Vilseck community.
3. Dependents or their family members do not have to be members of the BCSC to participate.
4. Dependents can only receive one credit through the “Bright Eyes” Program within the current school year (the school year ends on the last day of school for students per DoDEA).
How it works:
1. Dependents need to have their vision screened & receive a prescription.
2. The applicant purchases a pair of prescription glasses at either the Optical Shop in the Grafenwöhr PX, a local optometrist, or a reputable online retailer.
3. The applicant will turn in this application to the BCSC within thirty (30) days of purchases, including all required documentation (copy of prescription and copy of receipt).
4. The BCSC will issue a refund of up to $100, not to exceed the purchase price, towards a pair of prescription glasses, until funds are exhausted. If the parent/guardian wants to have more expensive frames & lenses than what is offered through the Bright Eyes program, the additional cost is incurred by the parent/guardian and not the BCSC. The applicant did not receive any other funding towards the purchase, e.g. insurance payments or other financial aid.
If you have any questions, please email