Your membership will be changed from active to a temporary inactive status. The date and time of your lessons will be saved for you upon your return in 30-days. This is an industry standard complementary policy. You agree to be placed on a temporary hold for 30-days with the knowledge that you have indicated a return date. In unique cases, a 60-day or other agreed upon length of time can be established with an agreed upon return date. If you are unable to provide the studio with a return date your inactive status will be considered a cancellation in which you will be charged for that 30-day’s full tuition at your rate of pay.If after the duration of your hold you are not able to return to active status you will be charged a one-time payment totaling your month’s full tuition unless additional agreements are made and documented below by the instructor or business owner. We are unable to activate freezes that are indefinite. The freeze does not act as the 30-day cancel.
We will keep your appointment date and time available to you upon your return if you are on a 30-day freeze. However, after a freeze longer that 30-days the time and date of your lessons may no longer be available. By signing below you agree to all policies above as well as policies documented on your membership agreement.
NOTE: We must have a current credit card on file in order to activate the freeze. If your credit card changes during the freeze, you must contact the studio with the new information. If there is no notification of change of credit card, we will send invoice to collections after 90 days.]
Membership automatically resumes after freeze end date with appointments resuming at the standing appointment day of the week and time unless specifically changed by artist and instructor.