I First Name Last Name of Street Address Address Line 2 City State Zip hereby apply to become a member of Lithgow State Mine Railway Limited. I acknowledge that my membership will be successful only after advice of acceptance from the Board of LSMR. In the event of my admission as a member I agree to be bound by the rules of the Company as outlined in the Constitution and abide by any reasonable direction issued to me in relation to my membership with LSMR.
Become a member and help us keep the Railway on track!
What skills can you share with the railway?
Qualifications are not necessary to be a Member however those skills can make a valuable contribution to the operation of the railway. Please indicate how you would like to become involved with LSMR.
Do you have any of the following qualifactions.
The submission of your application does not constitute an automatic right of approval for membership to the Company, the Lithgow State Mine Railway Limited reserves the right to refuse membership to any person and is not obligated to assign any reason for such refusal as allowed under the our Constitution.
The Lithgow State Mine Railway Limited advises that all Members may view a copy of the Constitution at the Companies registered office during office hours.
I(Full name of Nominator)* a member of the Lithgow State Mine Railway LTD, nominate the applicant for membership of Lithgow State Mine Railway. Signature of Proposer* Date*
I(Full name of Seconder)* a member of the Lithgow State Mine Railway LTD, nominate the applicant for membership of Lithgow State Mine Railway. Signature* Date*
Once you submit your application, You will recive an email confirmating your renewal.
We Thank you for the continued suport of your Railway!
Lithgow State Mine Railway Limited
54 Eskbank Street Lithgow N.S.W 2790
ACN: 56 119 090 256
The Membership Secretary
Roger Spence
PO Box 350 Lithgow N.S.W. 2790
Email: membership@stateminerailway.com.au