Swim Ireland accepts that it is not possible for any sport to eliminate the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus completely and will work with all stakeholders to minimise risk; this concept must be fully understood and accepted by all Swim Ireland members who wish to return to the water and resume aquatic activities
As with all exercise and activity at this time, swimming must comply with standards for social distancing and safety within sports facilities. Swimming, particularly within a club specific setting, does not require direct contact between athletes or coaches and social distancing can be maintained throughout training sessions, both in the pool and in the gym. We can create safe plans for the usage of our pools to deliver swimming coaching and deliver this in a manner which is compliant with public health directives. The HSE has indicated that water with the recommended levels of chlorine will inactivate COVID-19. Proper operation and maintenance (including disinfection with chlorine) of such pool facilities should inactivate the virus in the water.
The purpose of this document is to ensure everyone has considered the relevant risks and the required protocols and behaviours required to return to the water as safely as possible, and to confirm adherence to same.
Please answer the following questions and return it to your club as per their instructions: