Please attach a two- or three-page description of your proposed project. Please include the following five elements:
1. A brief description of the project, including the following two elements:
- brief background on the topic, including conceptual background, theory, research rationale, research questions, and hypotheses—as applicable to the project's approach.
- brief overview of the research methodology (design, measurements, and analyses). Note: Do a brief APA methods summary (A significant amount of detail (e.g., alpha levels) is not needed, please! Just enough to be able to understand the study).
2. Provide a rationale for time sensitivity. Why does your study need some money in the near future? (e.g., no other grants are available in the needed timeline).
3. A description of how the project addresses issues relevant to The Diversity and Justice Initiative's goals? (e.g., understanding or improving diversity, multiculturalism, interculturalism, biblical/social justice, inclusion)?
4. A description of how the project will provide a meaningful impact for a community during and/or after project completion. How is your study going to practically impact the lives of people?
5. A statement of projected expenses (include detailed and specific expense categories and total requested amount up to $1,000). Typically, we encourage people to submit grants with a full $1000 requested. Please also include a breakdown of any other funds requested so we can see your total budget and total expenditures (e.g., funds from a dissertation grant, funds from other college sources).