Tiny Tot is a drug free, smoke-free environment.
Tiny Tot does require each applicant to subject to a background check. In order to do this we must gather your social security number, driver license and date of birth on the application.
Tiny Tot Applicant:
Thank you for choosing TTLC in your career path. We are dedicated to hiring top professionals who are energetic, motivated and possess integrity. TTLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants must show they undersand are able to meet the following requirements for employment. Please click each area to confirm you have read and understand the requirements needed for the job.
I herby authorize Tiny Tot Learning Center (TTLC) to invesitgate my qualifications for purpses of evaluatiPleaseon whether I am qualified for the position for which I am applying. I understand that TTLC will utilize an outside firm or frims to assist in checking such informaiton. I specifically authorize such an investigation by information services and outside entities of the company's choice. I also understand that I may withhold my permission and that such a case, no investigation will be done and my applicaiton for employment will not be processed further.