This form provides workers, patients, businesses, insurers, union representatives, occupational health professionals, specialty societies and other stakeholders in evaluation and treatment of work-related health issues a means to provide input into the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine's (ACOEM) Practice Guidelines.
ACOEM has been developing its Practice Guidelines since 1997. The Practice Guidelines are continuously undergoing review and are developed using a rigorous, peer-reviewed, and published methodology to incorporate the best evidence to guide users to the best treatment.1,2 The Practice Guidelines are the only comprehensive occupational health guidelines that adhere to the highest standards of evidence-based medicine, including those specified by the Institute of Medicine's Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust.3 The purpose of the ACOEM Practice Guidelines are to improve efficiency and accuracy of diagnoses, improve effectiveness of treatment, maximize relief of symptoms and improve function, and facilitate return to work in workers with occupationally related illnesses or injuries.
Stakeholders may provide feedback and advice for guidelines whether or not they are undergoing major revision. All comments will be considered during the editing and peer-review processes. For sections not undergoing revision, comments leading to changes that may benefit outcomes will be immediately addressed.
We thank you in advance for your time, feedback and interest! If you have any questions regarding the ACOEM Practice Guidelines, please contact Julie Ording at or 847/818-1800, ext. 1362.