Dear Collier County Planning Commissioner Homiak,Within the next 2 weeks, the Planning Commission will have the opportunity to complete their review of the growth plan amendment and rezone petition for One Naples, as submitted by Stock Development/Vanderbilt Naples Holdings, LLC . Its location, non-conforming building heights, non-conforming density plusdeviations in architecture, landscaping, parking and sidewalks, along with itsproposed 10,000 sq. ft commercial space and up 99 slip marina, are not inkeeping with, or protective of the local environment nor do they meet theintent of the LDC. One Naples poses great safety concerns for pedestrians, bikers, cars, and emergency vehicles alike. This proposed MPUD at the entrance to the public beach, will negatively affect the already congested Vanderbilt Beachcollector roadway, having difficulty handling the existing peak hourtraffic. The approval of this MPUD as presented, will only serve toexasperate road-pedestrians safety issues with its overpowering structures,ignored setbacks, deviations in right of ways and parking plus more. One Naples website advertises “ONE FOR ALL. Presenting a visionthat doesn’t reinvent a neighborhood but compliments its legacy,” however,the approval of this petition would surely ‘reinvent’ the surroundingneighborhood and adversely affect public access and safety to the beach for all the citizens of Collier County. As presented, One Naples is totallyincompatible with the surrounding neighborhood and is an unreasonable,unsightly monstrosity at the foot of the public beach. Even with all the revisions made as a result of the neighborhood‘s expressedconcerns and staff comments, this proposed project remains laden withdeviations and non-conformances that do not meet the intent of the LDC and/or justify and support ‘more intense’ land use entitlements. Therefore, we are asking you, as a Commission, to recommend a strong ‘denial’ of this growth plan and rezone petition, as proposed. Please, do the right thing for the safety of the citizens of Vanderbilt Beach and the surrounding communities, to prevent the overcrowding of land, and avoid the undue concentration of population; and facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation for the citizens of Collier County, as well. Stock Development needs to accept a 'modified' rezone approval that fully meets the intent of the LDC and reflects sensible building in order to protect the health, safety, and well-being of our local environment for years to come.Thank you,blanks*blank