'RESTORATION International Healing Prayer Online', is a Christ Centred Ministry for both Deep Inner Healing and Physical Healing through the Power of Prayer.
Allow God’s Spirit to flow in your heart & mind to live an abundant life. Our free service is open to all people of any or even no faith, all cultures, genders, backgrounds and we serve in gentle love to all people.
Our 'Restoration'International Healing Prayer team is a group of Holy Spirit led, Bible based believing, Christ centered followers of Jesus who partner with Him to see the sick healed, the captives set free and the lost saved in His Name.
The ministry team come from many different churches & denominations across Australia and the globe (eg USA, India). We all agree that the bible is the inspired written word of God, that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, that He died in our place for the forgiveness of our sins, that He rose from death on the 3rd day, appeared to many and then ascended into heaven. This is how He will return to take all believers into the new earth and heaven where there will be no more suffering. Jesus is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God- 3-in-1 and the true and living God. He loves all people, including you, and wants to be one with us bringing a relationship of love, peace, hope, healing and restoration.
All team members are trained and most team members have already been operating on the 'Prayer Team' in their local 'Healing Rooms' for many years. They rely completely on the leading of Holy Spirit as to how to be His hands and feet here on earth and minister together in unity. 'RESTORATION International Healing Prayer Online' ministry is all about welcoming the presence of God to minister to each person no matter how physically distanced we are. It is about the love of Jesus and about His Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven. We believe Jesus still heals today and that we don't just pray once but continue to pray until healing comes.
Our prayer is that you will experience the presence and healing of Jesus and leave us blessed.