Centers and daycare homes offering meals through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) play a critical role in supporting the wellness, health, and development of children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities through the provision of nutritious foods. In particular, childcare providers have a powerful opportunity to instill healthy habits in young children that serve as a foundation for healthy choices in life.
The nutrition standards for meals and snacks served are based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, science-based recommendations made by the National Academy of Medicine, cost and practical considerations, and stakeholder input. The standards support the service of a greater variety of vegetables and fruit, whole grains, lean meats/meat alternatives, and low-fat and fat-free dairy while minimizing added sugar and saturated fat.
Additionally, we serve unflavored whole milk to 1-year-olds and unflavored low-fat or fat-free milk to children ages 2 through 5 years old at breakfast and lunch (water is served at afternoon snack).
If you would prefer modifications to what your child is provided, such as milk from home or a meal from home, please complete the form below.
Thank you!