Request for OER Assistance
Are you ready to explore alternatives to overpriced textbooks? Our librarians can help you locate, evaluate, adopt, adapt, or even create affordable and open educational resources for your courses. Please fill out this form to help us start the search and conversation.
First Name
Last Name
College of Arts and Humanities
Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship
College of Education and Human Services
College of Science, Technology, and Health
Pre-Professional Programs
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Preferred method of contact
What course(s) are you looking for OER content? Please provide course name and code.
What are the required course materials for the course? If you are looking at switching more than one, please list all required materials with the course code.
Upload the course(s) syllabus/syllabi you are seeking OER material for. This will help us get an understanding of the class as a whole.
Browse Files
pdf, doc, docx
What is your current timetable for revising your course and adopting new course materials?
What are your main interests with regards to affordable or open educational resources? You can choose up to three options if more than one applies.
I'm interested in adopting free and open educational materials to replace my current textbook and other course materials.
I'm interested in adopting free and open educational materials to supplement my current course resources.
I'm interested in integrating articles, ebooks, and other materials from the library's collection into my course.
I'm interested in looking into Faculty Select for DRM free ebooks.
I'm interested into customizing or remixing an existing open educational resource to meet my course's needs.
I'm interested in creating and publishing my own open educational resources.
I'm interested in exploring open pedagogical practices beyond the adoption of course materials.
Is there anything you are specifically looking for in an open educational resource? For example, let us know if there is something you don't like about your current resource(s) and would like to see changed.
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