ATTENTION: Soldiers are responsible for checking with ProTrain before enrolling into courses to ensure that the requested certification exam is not going to expire during the duration of their enrollment. Failure to do so could result in a shortened enrollment period and/or a loss of funding with Army CA.
Withdrawal / Refund Policy: Soldiers who wish to withdraw from a CA-approved course or exam must do so in ArmyIgnitED. Under no circumstances will the Soldier coordinate a withdrawal directly with the Vendor. If this occurs, the Soldier will be liable for any debt incurred.
Grievance Policy: If the soldier has a grievance with their enrollment, then they should first try to resolve it with the Registrar at If their grievance is unresolved, the soldier can email to contact ProTrain's Chief Operating Officer.
Potential Impacts of Military Duty Policy: If a soldier has accessed their course materials at any point, the soldier is expected to complete their course within the stated time frame. Otherwise, the soldier will need to request a withdrawal following the above withdrawal/refund policy. If the soldier does not complete their course by the end date stated in their welcome letter, there will be additional fees for extended access to the course and any online reference materials, such as eBooks. Not all courses are eligible for an extension and extensions will only take place with the Registrar within the last month of the soldiers’ enrollment period. Please note that soldiers are expected to complete their course in the timeline they choose and get approved for. Extensions will also need to be approved by ArmyIgnitED.
By submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above policies.